Cookie Policy
v5.teehunt.top website uses cookies. If you have agreed, in addition to mandatory and performance cookies that ensure the functioning and aggregated statistics of the website, other cookies for analytical and marketing purposes may be placed on your computer or other device from which you access our webpage. This Cookie Policy describes what types of cookies we use on our website and for what purposes.
Cookies are small text files created by the website, downloaded to and stored on any internet enabled device—such as your computer, smartphone or tablet—when you visit our homepage. The browser you're on uses the cookies to forward information back to the website at each subsequent visit for the website to recognize the user and to remember the user’s choices (for example, login information, language preferences and other settings). This can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you.
When visiting our website, you are presented with an informative statement that the website uses cookies and asked for your consent to enable cookies that are not mandatory and performance cookies. You can also delete all cookies stored in your browser and set up your browser to block cookies being saved. By clicking on “help” button in your browser, you can find instructions on how to prevent the browser from storing cookies, as well as what cookies are stored already and delete them, if you want to. Changes to the settings must be made for each browser that you use. If you want to revoke your consent to save cookies on your device, you can delete all cookies stored in your browser and set up your browser to block cookies being saved. By clicking on the “help” button in your browser, you can find instructions on how to prevent the browser from storing cookies, as well as what cookies are stored already and delete them if you want to. You must change the settings for each browser that you use. However, please note that without saving certain cookies, it is possible that you will not be able to fully use all the features and services of Printful’s website. You can separately opt-out from having your website activity available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, which prevents sharing information about your website visit with Google Analytics. Link to the add-on and for more information: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881. Furthermore, if you want to opt out from interest-based, behavioural advertising, you can opt out by using one of the following tools based on the region you are in. Please note that this is a third party tool which will save its own cookies on your devices and Printful does not control and is not responsible for their Privacy Policy. For more information and opt-out options, please visit: